Primary courses
Groovy Tunes and Songs for Speech
Secondary courses
Phonics course
Songs, Poems and Chants
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New Standard English
New Standard English
New Standard English
Primary courses
New Standard English
Macmillan / FLTRP China 2002/2003
Naomi Simmons is the main author of the six-level primary English course for the whole of China published by Macmillan (with FLTRP). It is called New Standard English and is named after the new national curriculum for China. The four-level version was written by the late Printha Ellis and Judy West. Sales for the course exceed 105 million.
This innovative course uses both a drama and story-based approach within a communicative syllabus. The stories and activities draw on the contemporary Chinese experience of childhood. The course also has a strong international focus and prepares children for the 21st century by teaching English in the context of new technologies.
The story and drama approach has proved extremely popular in schools with even the largest of class sizes and teachers with varying levels of English. It is fun, witty and highly motivating for both children and teachers alike.
Components include:
Student books
Activity books
Teacher books
Network television show
Separate readers
Grammar reference and practice book
4 additional song and poem books and cassettes
British English
Contact me on simmonsnaomi@aol.com